السلام عليكم والرحمة ..
سلسلة من الدروس التي تضم التجميعات والأشياء المهمة
تم تقسيمها بطريقة منطقيه للمساعده لاجتياز الاختبار بسلاسه
قم بتفضيل المدونة و تابع الدروس حسب وتيرتك ..
- جمعيات لأهم القطع المتكرره في اختبار ستيب
قم بالقراءة جيداً وحل الاسئلة
الحل موجود تحت كل قطعه قم بمراجعة اجوبتك
القطعة الأولى:
Q1: You have only 10 riyals, What meal can you buy?
A- Small Pizza.
B- Chicken Sandwich.
C- French fries and cola.
D- Rice and meat.
Answer keys:
Q1: B.
القطعة الثانية
Q1: When are you allowed to take this class?
A. When you complete English 133.
B. When you study the vocabulary.
C. When you can write simple sentences.
D. When you complete English 134.
Q2: What does this course teach?
A. Literature, vocabulary, and grammar.
B. Grammar, writing, and speaking.
C. Vocabulary, reading comprehension and literature.
D. Vocabulary, Writing and Grammar.
Answers key:
Q1. A. Q2. D.
القطعة الثالثة
Q1: In Which year was the largest number of pilgrims from outside?
B. 2006.
C. 2010.
D. 2009.
Q2: What was the percentage of pilgrims from inside?
A. 3%.
B. 35%
C. 5%
D. 9%
Answers key:
Q1: C. Q2: B.
القطعه الرابعه
Q1: What can help eradicate poverty?
A. Least developed countries.
B. Advanced countries.
C. Globalization.
D. Government.
Q2: The word great powers refer to?
A. Rules.
B. Peace
D. Government.
Answer keys:
Q1: C. Q2: A.
القطعة الخامسة
Q1. What does the pronoun "They" refer to?
A. Species.
B. Lemurs.
C. Large eye.
D. Long-tailed lemurs.
Answers key:
Q1. D.
القطعة السادسة
Q1: How much was the bag?
A. It was about 8 Riyals.
B. It was 500 Riyals.
C. It was 200 Riyals.
D. It was 15 Riyals.
Answer key:
Q1: A.
القطعة السابعة
Q1: What is the best title for the passage?
A. Yemen.
B. The Kings of Sheba.
C. Prophet Solomon.
D. Sheba and Balqis.
Answers key:
Q1. D.
القطعة الثامنه
Q1: What does the word "Express" mean?
A. Explain.
B. Ask.
C. Know.
D. Think.
Q2: What does the word "Forceful" mean?
A. Smart.
B. powerful.
C. Mindful.
D. Nicely.
Answer key:
Q1. A. Q2: B.
القطعة التاسعة
Q1: Where do the food immediately go after being chewed?
A. Stomach.
B. Mouth.
C. Small intestines.
D. Large intestines.
Answer key:
Q1: A.
القطعة العاشرة
Q1: Based on the text, Cafe are popular in?
A. The Middle East.
B. The world.
C. Europe.
D. Africa.
Answer key:
Q1: A.
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